Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Republica Update/FU FB

In recent years the landscape of human interaction has shifted.  Standard social practices and regular verbal communication have all but vanished and in its wake we are left with hash tags and ‘like’ buttons to show our loved ones how near and dear to our hearts they are. They are so near and dear, in fact, that we take 3 seconds out of our day to push a button on the internet and let our sprawling network of family members and one night stands know that we think ‘Sarah’ looks great in that dress or ‘John’s’ beer bonging shots are hilarious.
You all know what I am talking about. At one time or another, we have all succumbed to the power of The Book. No, I am not talking about the bible, as that offers no fleeting 15 minutes of fame, shameful or otherwise on the World Wide Web. I am talking about Facebook, the brainchild of a boy genius that has taken over the world in a way never before seen. (Read More)

june 2011