Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Republica Update/Always Wash Your Hair

I spend many of my Saturday nights in front of a computer scouring the internet for images and creating galleries for a website that hires me for 6 months at a time. This seasonal work has allowed me to have a bit of a safety net financially, work with some amazing people I never would have met otherwise and come into the office nights and weekends in any semblance of fashion or level of hygienic state I deem fit. Saturday was no exception.
After going running in the afternoon I literally took a moment to ponder whether or not today was a good day to wash my hair. In an attempt to keep my chestnut locks glistening I have been foregoing the everyday washing and today seemed as good a day as any, as my computer never seems to mind my funk and getting off so late at night often rules out social engagements. (Read More)
april 2011

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