Tuesday, August 17, 2010

my paramour

many of you have heard about my 82 year old boyfriend, charlie. for those of you who have not, he and i were set up last winter, and have been seeing one another regularly ever since. i know what you're thinking...how did briana get so lucky, and where do i find my very own may-december dating website? well, no need to be jealous. charlie is a friend that i met through a program called friendly visting that my friend laura hahn turned me on to. i am telling you, as an aging 29 year old woman, i am never more beautiful or interesting than through the eyes of an octogenarian. its fantastic. anyway, this week charlie and i had our date at the local starbucks, where i have picked up a man or two in my time and, despite the fact that we were asked not to take photos on private property, i felt our love had to be documented in the only way that matters to me. a photograph. luckily, charlie is a rebel too...

august 2010

1 comment:

Hollandra said...

love it! love Charlie!