Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

rainy days

march 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

sunday morning

march 2011

friday night

march 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Republica Update/Sleeping With The Enemy

It was just that one time. I was drunk. We just happened to run into each other and...well, at least we used a condom. Excuses, excuses.

 It is a common misstep that most 20 somethings have stumbled upon in their decade of decadence. The story usually goes like this:  You’re with someone for a while; real feelings develop, but for whatever reason, it just didn’t work out. You two decide to be “friends” and then there is a lonely night, with a bottle of Merlot and a blackberry - or that one Cinco de Mayo where you got uncharacteristically hammered and insist that he meet up with you, only to find you wearing a stranger’s do-rag and a Gerber daisy in your hair. He proceeds to escort you uptown and is mauled by you in the back of a yellow cab as the tequila courses through your veins and you become painfully aware that a strawberry garnish does not serve as a proper meal with which to server a dozen margaritas. But I digress. (read more)

march 2011

apt 78

i recently produced a valentine's day shoot for vibe online and a cute new spot that opened up in washington heights. any place that serves well for a lingerie shoot is fine by me, so i decided i needed to shoot the space myself. apt 78 is warm, friendly, comfortable and a short walk from my house, so its kind of the ideal hangout! i suggest you check out apt78 as well as their recently launched site, on which my work can be seen.

march 2011