Showing posts with label travel log. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel log. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Luxor-ious Travel

Sweating in Style

Morning came early and the not so gentle rocking of Voiture 1 aroused me in a way usually left for my boyfriend. With shades of beige illuminated brightly by the morning sun I got to witness the small towns waking up, coming to life. Something that always brings me a sense of peace and joy.

Major cities seem to be the same no matter where you go, but it is the second cities, as I affectionally call them, that really give you a sense of where you are and the ones with which I am most intrigued.
As my mother struggled for the umpteenth time with her over-packed matching set of luggage I tried my best to have a quiet moment, if only for a moment, watching the rows of farmland pass before me, robed men tending to them in their early morning routine.