when i was a little girl, i showed a passion, and hopefully talent, for visual arts. i took these inherent, built in factors, and cultivated them into a career. to my understanding, this is what people do. they take their god given talents, add some hard work and dedication, and create a working life for themselves.
so i am confused.
tonight, while journeying back to northern manhattan and snail-like speeds in may showers that i suppose are bringing june flowers, i pondered a question that begs many of us that live in new york, or other metropolitan areas where owning cars are not the norm:
why is it that the worst possible drivers in the world inevitably become cabbies?
it doesn't make any sense to me. its not just foreigners. its not just careless men. its purposely bad drivers who think that the rpm needle is supposed to dance around the dial and that the gas and the break pedals are in fact just a well masked video arcade game where you mimic the dance movements till your hot and sweaty and absolutely no tickets are dispensed.
i beseech you, does anyone have an answer?
discuss amongst yourselves...

april 2010