The UC had their official launch last night at the Locksmith Winebar on B'way and 192 and, despite the fact that i was very late to the party, the place was still packed and merriment seemed to be had by all. A dynamic project such as this requires dynamic promos; therefore, a series of postcards featuring uptown photography were released and below is the one shot by yours truly.
I am really excited about being a part of this and last night made me realize what great company I am in.
Many may say that polaroid is dead. Many may say that polaroid is not suited for event photography. And to all you naysayers, I say beso mis nalgas. This past week a very dear friend of mine, some might even call her my husband, held an event at a local watering hole to fundraise for haiti as well as show off her amazing, newly honed design skills with her t-shirt, which you can still purchase at I offered to shoot her event and the storyboard you see below are the results...
Lets me real. The only reason to visit anywhere, it so take photos, meet men, or eat. I did the latter in my 8 hour time frame in the city that continues to occupy my heart. Pancho Villa, Royal Ground, and Ploy 2. Its like the ultimate trifecta. Although brief, revisiting my home always reminds me that it is where I belong and no matter how far away I live or how long I am gone, I will most certainly return to the city by the bay.
After luxuriating in LA for approximately 36 hours, Flea and I hopped a Southwest flight to SFO. The joyous thing about this flight was that there wasn't one inconsiderate child within close proximity to me, there were twins. People...put your kids in check! I know this is easy for me to say, as I am barren and contemplating adopting an entire litter of abandon old cats from the SPCA, but no more of this "nice parenting" malarky. If your kid is acting up, show him who is boss. This motto also works in the bedroom, but prefeably sans children. Simone is a goddess and not only picked us up from the airport but waited as we went to see Grandma. Our visit in March was hard and pretty unpleasant so I am so thankful that I got a chance to see her again, and in much better spirits. We had a nice visit, and I made sure to say "I love you" before I left, which puts my soul at ease.
Saturday was some QT with my sis and then some QT with two of my bffs. When you have known someone since you were 3, or 11 as the case may be, its nice to know that seeing them again is like going back in time. And by going back in time I mean they feel totally comfortable mocking you in no uncertain terms and getting wasted is a must. We grabbed some Mexican (food, not person sadly) in the early hours of Sunday which really brought junior year in high school part 2 to fruition. Thanks for coming to see me Jenn and Ash. Your friendship is invaluable.
Being with my sister always allows me to see how the other half lives, so it was off to Robertson to eat a mediocre omlet and peruse some over priced handbags that people with money evidently find to be a bargain. I know I will make my mother, and Holly proud, in saying Target usually works out just fine for me. Friday night was the big event for which the Heard girls traversed the country, so I threw on a repeat ensemble and Felicia rocked Leger like nobody's business. The Mexican reunion of 1990 was cool, but I had a redhead dying to pick me up and bring me to Santa Monica, so that is what I did. Can I just say, that if you are going to run into a college crush, coincidentally being all dressed up is serendiptious and wonderful. Some quick dirty talk in espanol with Red's friend and Felicia and I were back to bed, as we had been up for over 24 hours, and lets be real, we are way to old to hang like that anymore...
Another whirlwind trip to California, however, this time, it was surprisingly relaxing. Arriving at the airport for a morning flight after slaving away until the wee hours of the morning can be tough. I arrived in my usual spandex head to toe, still wiping the sleep out of my eyes to be met by my big sister who clearly thought the paparazzi would be greeting her at the gate, as she was dressed to the 9's...for a cross-country flight! Only Felicia.
Luckily, the lack of sleep allowed for the perfect opportunity to pass out for a large portion of the flight, only to occasionally be awoken by the 8 year old next to me who clearly had depth perception issues, as she continually elbowed, kicked, and head-butted me. If she had not been 75 pounds, I would have taken her out fo sho!
easter sunday was brunch in the village with meghan. vegan ice cream on the east side. and lots more walking. you would think i would have buns of steel after this, but as a wise woman once said, "and my buns...they don't feel nothing like steel." 5 bucks to anyone who knows that reference...
back uptown for authentic dominican shopping on st. nick, and by authentic, i mean shipped right over to the us by way of taiwan, and then tagged bilingually. introducing meghan to the heights in the summer (along with simmers) brought me such joy i cannot even begin to express. as i have said over and over again, i love my hood, and to share that with my ladies: priceless. or under $15, which is what i think we spent cumulatively on a dress, shoes, and shorts (otherwise known as underwear).
fine dining was had on audubon in my apartment, but since it was ordered in spanish by an old friend, it just tasted better. everything tastes better in spanish!
i feel that the true sign of a loved one is if they don't mind sitting in your apartment dining on take out and helping you purge your closet of all of your fat, stained, and inappropriate clothing.
if a bottle of patron is close by, all the better.
back to the pool hall on 181 (my new favorite hang out) and downtown to belmont lounge where my friends from uptown decided very quickly that their kind was not welcome. i know racism and prejudice exists. and i know its funny as hell. but when someone ACTUALLY personifies it, i am shocked to shit, each and every time. thanks mom and dad for making me watch rainbow bright, as i am certian that is how i became color blind. in fact, just as my editor in cheif, she comments on my color combo wardrobe choices bi-weekly!
a late night. but a good one. the weekend came to an end with me feeling no more catholic, but feeling that much more loved.
thanks for coming to visit simmers...
it was so lovely outside that we walked from the market to the lower east side to grab a couple midday margaritas and meet racially confused patrons at a little spot called epstein's. the it was cross town to dine at 69 gansevoort which, for some reason JUST struck me as dirty. i must be off my game. in fact, just ask simone. apparently i was so off my game saturday evening that she has never seen me be less charming or articulate. now that is a good friend. after lots of non-verbal communication and the best tater tots i have ever had we made our way uptown to witness the heights in all its glory. back down to the les for dancing i have never seen simone more shameless. and i respected. i chose to spend my night playing wingman AND doorman, at BOB till it was time to go home and go to bed.
easter weekend just passed and i could not have asked for more. jesus himself would have risen again, just to feel the warmth of new york's spring sun on his face. word on the street is he wouldn't have needed a high spf either, despite all of those blue eyed portraits we see hanging in our favorite taquieras.
in addition to the lord our savior making an appearance many moons ago, my bffgf Simone did as well. sometimes you forget how nice it is to have family (even if in name only) around. kicking off the weekend with my hygienically challenged nephews, mother, and sister, i rose early on saturday to greet simone and head to the brooklyn flea market. a first for me.
thanks to my very prolific friend at it was brought to my attention that a shot of mine from a shoot for VIBE can be seen at onSMASH. a small feat, perhaps, but seeing my name in lights (or small times new roman print) will never cease to bring me joy. well, at least when it is accompanied by an image i created. a speeding ticket or subpoena might not warrant quite the same reaction.