Showing posts with label repurposed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label repurposed. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

#100daysofart: #keepwalkingkeepwinning

I chose to take on this project as a cathartic and positive way in which to focus my energy during a difficult time. At that time, 87 days ago, I did not anticipate things becoming MORE difficult, but I suppose that is just how life works out, sometimes. Below are a myriad of ways in which I have chosen to express myself, despite available resources, geographical location, or emotional state of well being. 

A wise man once hashtagged (seemingly oxymoronic, I know) #keepwalkingkeepwinning. I am putting faith in his words, his beliefs and his person and carrying on, moving forward and hopefully - winning. 

Day 68

Day 69

Day 70

Day 71

Day 72

Day 73

Day 74

Day 75

Day 76

Day 77

Day 78

Day 79

Day 80

Day 81

Day 82
Day 83
Day 85

Day 86
Day 87